Get Involved

Help us build a bridge between unemployment and meaningful careers

We need dedicated, passionate individuals who want to make a difference in their community for those who are struggling to find work and build meaningful careers.

There are many barriers to employment such as transportation issues, employer bias, systemic issues, homelessness, lack of qualifications, lack of soft skills, or criminal history. When some members of our community cannot overcome these barriers to employment it is a domino effect that touches every member of our community. 

There is a gap in services for those who are facing unemployment in Washington D.C.
Another temp job doesn't bridge that gap.

What can bridge the gap is a comprehensive, holistic approach, that helps each person to build a meaningful career with the skills they need to obtain, retain, and sustain their employment. 

You Can Help

We need passionate individuals who are willing to mentor our emerging graduates in a construction-related field and volunteers to help with the day-to-day operations of the training. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below.